Sunday, April 4, 2010

Haiti Day 3 (Sunday, March 21st)

Sunday morning Jonathan started out his day with some dressing changes on this little boy that had received significant burns on much of his body. He showed up sporting sunglasses. Jonathan took care of him several times throughout the week.

In case you were wondering Jonathan is in fact not a surgeon. The fact that all of his medical training specializes in anesthesia had little relevancy in his volunteer efforts in Haiti. He and Dr. Shepard worked side by side on several cases. Aaron and Jonathan would take turns scrubbing in for surgery and providing the anesthesia.
Quick - "Say, Cheese!"
This poor little critter died the night he was found by the uneducated entomologist. Jonathan and Aaron were terrified by this poor wee little millipede. He had the potential to be such a great friend for the two foreigners, but instead he was tragically mistaken as a vicious centepede and was unjustly squished to death. Poor harmless lil' pede. Rest in peace.

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