Monday, March 22, 2010

The Foot of a Child Speaks a Thousand Words

Saturday we woke up to 4 inches of snow. The boys piled on their snow clothes and went sledding on the hill in the backyard. Adam was particularly proud of himself as he was able to sled down the hill, on the trail through the ravine and partially up the other side without hitting a tree. Let it be known that his distance and path traveled is not only guarded by angels but presently the Jenson Family record for least injury and greatest distance traveled through the ravine.

Today, however, not even 48 hours later we woke to green grass, birds singing and spent the day outside playing baseball without jackets. When I came in the house to fix dinner I turned to see Matthew coming in behind me decided that he has a particular gift of expression.

This friends, is spring in Iowa...

1 comment:

Sandi said...

Looks like Spring in Idaho too!