Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Booked it-

When the earthquake hit Haiti Jonathan and I felt a need for him to offer service if at all possible. We looked into him volunteering with Doctors Without Boarders but found that the length of commitment was longer than what he could offer so we put good intentions on the back burner. Last Sunday he got a call from our dearest friend, Aaron Thornton, that trudged through anesthesia school with Jonathan. There was an opening for another anesthesia provider in a surgical team that will be leaving the middle of March. He was cleared to go and he booked his tickets today to fly into Port Au Prince. He will be serving in Leogane which is actually just outside of Port Au Prince but was the epicenter of the earthquake. We are excited for him to go and volunteer. Jonathan speaking French will be a wonderful blessing in trying to communicate with the people there. The scripture in Esther 4:14 continues to come to my mind when Esther was prepared... "for such a time as this." How thankful I am that Jonathan has lived his life following the words of the latter day prophets. That he served a faithful mission and took the initiative to "be smart." Through his obedience he is prepared for such a time as this to "succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees." (D&C 81:5)

Here's to hoping he comes home without malaria.


Anonymous said...

Such a good guy! The best home teacher! And the best VT companion EVER is his wife! Miss you guys! Good luck on the trip. Don't get sick, and watch the needles! We will pray for your safe return!

Sandi said...

That's so awesome! How neat for your family to be able to serve in that way, he in Haiti, and you doing the solo-parent thing while he's gone.

Sarah said...

wow!! that's awesome!! how long will he be there?

Koreena said...

What an opportunity! Hope all goes well for him and for you while he's away!

Nicole said...

What a blessing to be able to serve in that capacity. Good luck with the yahoos while he's gone, how long will he be there?

Ang said...

What a good guy... and a good wife to allow him such an opportunity! Best of luck in his preparations to go and while he's gone.

Joanne said...

I bet you didn't know I read your blog! I am impressed but not surprised that Jonathan is setting out to help others. I just hope the other volunteers can keep up with him!

Anonymous said...

Good luck and that's an amazing opportunity.

Messimoo said...

Good for you guys! What a wonderful opportunity to serve! You'll have to keep us updated!