Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy, Happy #3

Happy, happy birthday little Matthew. Oh we had such fun plans... pancakes for breakfast, storytime at the library, play outside at a brand new play ground in town, meet dad for lunch at Burger King, family time at home, hot dogs for dinner and a Mickey Mouse cake with candles, ice cream and presents. The best birthday a 3 year old could ask for.

It went more like this... Good morning Matthew! Happy Birthday you are three years old! Help mix a cake and put it in the oven quick before breakfast, mom pulls you off the counter and thinks hummm, you feel a little warm. Andrew wakes up and mom changes his diaper. When Mom gets back you are in the middle of the kitchen floor lying on your blankets. Mom feels again and the fever is hot. Don't feel like breakfast just a sippy with chocolate milk (it is your birthday after all), watch a movie burning with a burning fever, head to the doctor to get another dose of antibiotics for strep throat, drug ya with enough ibuprofen to get to Burger King for lunch, get home just in time to vomit from the back door, through the kitchen, across the carpet into the bathroom and almost to the toilet. Dad begins the clean-up while mom waits at the pharmacy to fill the prescription. Mom gets home to find Dad wishing we would have never taught you to go to the toilet when you feel sick... oh how much easier it would have been if you stood still. Medicine, popsicles, books and movies... that how your birthday went.

BUT THE DAY AFTER YOUR BIRTHDAY... was a party! We pulled out Mickey Mouse which by now having waited two days to be eaten has been poked, licked, tested, tasted, and all but blown upon. We opened gifts and ate cake and sang your happy birthday song. For your birthday you received: circus Backyardigans, play-doh, $10, a Diego DVD, pj's, and a chain saw. (Thanks G&G Jenson and Olsen) Feeling much better you were able to enjoy the haul you made and couldn't fall asleep until the wee hours of the morn because you were so excited to wake up to be able to play with your new toys. Mom had to finally hide your chain saw from you so you would go to sleep.

Little Matthew we love you. We love to watch you fix anything and everything in the house with your bucket of tools. We love to watch you jump up and down anytime you get super excited. We love how your curious mind NEVER stops being curious. We love to watch you play and pretend with Adam. We little Matthew love you.


Koreena said...

Poor kid getting sick on his birthday! I'm glad he was able to enjoy the next day, though.

Team Rogers said...

Happy Late Birthday Matthew! Sorry to hear that you were sick, but it sounds like you made up for it the next day. Wish we could have been there for some of that yummy cake!