Sunday, November 23, 2008

For Wendy

Here's my latest cute. I frosted the candy canes together to make a peppermint heart for the hot cocoa mix. Cute huh?


Sarah said...

Amber, you're so cute! I had no idea you had a blog! Now and I can regular updates on you and your cute family!!! Congrats on the new baby. :) You were right when I saw you a couple years ago--you only know how to make boys. And I guess we're just the opposite! :) They're all so handsome! :)

Team Rogers said...

Cute! What a great idea!! Is this what you are giving your neighbors for Christmas? Could you please email me the hot cocoa recipe? I like to collect different recipes to try. =) Hope life is treating you well. Tell everyone 'hi' for us.

Kaleb and Abby Widmier said...

Hey Amber!

Congrats a bit late on the third. You sure have handsome boys! Also congrats to Johnathan on getting his pilot's license. That is a dream of mine...but could my fear of heights be an issue??? :)

I am trying this blog thing out! Our address is

Take care!