Monday, November 10, 2008

Dedicated to Katers

Miss Katie Lene tagged me. Only for you Katers. 6 quirks about me...

1. I don't like to watch T.V. or listen to the radio. I drive in silence and seldom to never turn on the T.V. I don't like the noise. I even mute my own blog because I don't like unnecessary background noise. It makes me crazy. If I am driving with Jonathan I like to have the music down low enough that if you are intently trying to hear the music you can, otherwise it is so quiet you don't notice it is playing.

2. I cannot remember the last time I went to church without wearing nylons. I have a thing about covering up your legs at church. I was probably in grade school the last time I showed my legs at church. Even in 105 degree humid Iowa weather I never leave home without them. I feel that often times we are too casual with what we wear. If I am wearing nylons I know everything else will be dressed up and not down. It determines the rest of my Sabbath wardrobe and often my attitude of Sabbath observance... silly I know, all over a pair of nylons.

3. I had never plucked my eyebrows until about 2 weeks ago. Right before Andrew was born I got really wild and spontaneous and after having my hair cut, I spent $7 for an eyebrow wax. Am I nuts? I still don't know if I believe in pluckery.

4. I grew up on a farm and don't love animals in the least bit. I don't like to touch them because they have germs. I would much rather work with a cow or pig than sit down and pet a dog or cat. We have two cats and I think I have petted one of them once. They just aren't my thing.

5. I tend to have my own language and say things that most people don't. For example, anything that is not human and moves is a critter. We catch critters and put them in jars. We feed our critters and the boys pet their critters. In fact the other day Matthew was picking up all of his stuffed animals and he told me he couldn't go upstairs until he had all of his "critters." I change my kids britchers and they run around nekked, not naked. Believe it or not I do have a college education.

6. Serve it to me plain and dry. I don't like condiments. No ketchup, mustard, mayo, miracle whip- nada. Just the hot dog and the bun. Nothing else. Same holds true for hamburgers and sandwiches. Just plain please. Thanks.

Did ya enjoy that Katers? Okay if you're interested the 4 people I choose to tag are: Wendy, Quin (limit it to 6 Quin), Lou... this is your chance to start off your new blog, and Koreena. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

That's my girl Amber. Those are warm fuzzy quirks. I remember the food thing, nylon thing, and the hick talk thing. The hick talk is some thing I have come to miss. It was nice to hear (well, read) it again. I Love you Amber! By the way my folks sold their house and are moving to Boise in 2 weeks. Crazy but super exciting. Call me for details! Oh and you and your family look beautiful. Really Amber you don't even look like you had a baby. Good for you! Lotta love, Kate

Koreena said...

I remember learning some of those about you. Thanks for the tag! :)

Messimoo said...

I love all your posts! The smore and hotdog one cracks me up! How fun that you can just go in your yard and do that! Envious of that I am!

Dave and Tricia Folsom Family Fun said...

Congratulations on a beautiful new baby boy! Andrew looks quite handsome! And Amber - you look amazing! It was fun to look through your blog and see pict. of your new place. It looks like you guys are having a great time in your new home. We miss you in IC though!
We also have a blog so feel free to check it out anytime!