Monday, November 3, 2008

Andrew Harold Jenson

We got him here! Andrew Harold Jenson was born on Thursday, October 30th at 4:03 pm. He weighed 8 lbs. 4 oz. and was 20.5 inches long. I started having contractions at 4 am and worked throughout the morning to get them to regulate. By noon we headed to the hospital and 4 hours later he was born. Delivery with him was a bit more of a challenge than my first two boys as he was facing posterior. Nonetheless, he was born healthy and well and we are both great. My parents were landing at the airport when he was born so a blessed sister in our ward took my boys and headed to Des Moines to pick them up. We were blessed with perfect timing in having them come. It has been a tremendous help having them here and we get them for a whole week! Here he is -


Nicole said...

He is perfectly adorable! So glad he is here and healthy! (And thanks for posting about it so we could see pictures!) Good luck adjusting to 3 little roughians... let me know how that goes!!

Keri said...

Oh, Amber, he is sooo adorable. Congratulations! I love all of the loving pictures of your little family, too. :)

Koreena said...

He is so BEAUTIFUL!! Congratulations! I'm so glad delivery went alright and everyone is healthy. Enjoy your parents' stay and get some sleep!

Messimoo said...

Oh, I had been wondering! He is asbolutely, positively HANDSOME! It makes me so excited to see our little one soon! So happy to hear all is well!

Anonymous said...

Ams, he is just another adorable little Jenson boy. LOOK at those Olsen eyes they are beautiful. Tell your folks HI for me. I am so glad you and your Mother got your wishes. I love you Amber, job well done.

Ang said...

Congratulations Amber! He is beautiful and perfect in every way. Glad to hear that you're doing well. Good luck with four boys! I know you'll be fine because you're Superwoman!

Sandi said...

What a cutie! Glad everything went well.

Elizabeth said...

congratulations Amber!

Ashley A. said...

Congratulations! He is so beautiful. We're so glad he made it here safely. I love the family picture at his blessing.

Tamio & Anna said...

Congrats! He is just beautiful! Hope you are feeling well.