Sunday, August 3, 2008

So Guilty...

Someone made a mess but I can't quite put my finger on who it could be...

Jonathan was in one of his sleep deprived modes during Sunday School. He was nodding in and out and asked who the Sunday School teacher was, I informed him it was Brother Scoonmaker. A few nods later he woke up again and said, "You know what sounds good... scones." I thought that was a little random, but he said Scoonmaker sounded like Scone-maker and he wanted some after church. So we invited our inspiration for scones, the Scoonmaker family, out after church and we made scones. We were just saying bye to them when I went to get Matthew to have him say bye and found him making a second batch of scones... all by himself. So helpful. The amazing thing... mess made is less than 4 minutes.


Koreena said...

That's so funny! (Of course, it's not my mess to clean up.)

Keri said...

Wow, I can so see my little Jenna doing that right about now. She has just started climbing & is grabbing things that are higher and higher up. She's crazy! I sure hope it didn't take too long to clean up.

Team Rogers said...

Isn't it amazing how fast they get into things. Just wait, they slow down, especially when you ask them to clean up when they are becoming teeagers. =)

Nicole said...

As soon as things get quiet at my house I know I'm in for it!!