Sunday, August 3, 2008

On your marks, get set, stack!!! We couldn't miss the annual Davis county cookie stacking competition. Every year at the fair kids stack them high in hopes theirs will take top honors. Adam and Matthew were in the same heat and did great. Poor little Adam had the tallest tower, but when time was called his champion tower didn't last. It has to stand alone for 15 seconds and his tumbled and crumbled. A puny little girl at the other end of the table took their age group. That's okay... we'll be back next year.

After our heated competition the boys went for a little pony ride. They thought that was pretty fun. Hot, humid, smelly Davis County Fair fun.


Koreena said...

I've never heard of a cookie stacking competition. (Maybe we'll have to have our own as an FHE activity.) Glad they had a good time at the fair. Your boys are so adorable.

Keri said...

Sounds like stinky, sweaty fun. By the way, I'm going private on my blog. Come over and comment with your email address so I can invite you. :)

Tamio & Anna said...

Amber I found your blog through Katie's. Your kids are so cute and quite grow little boys. Congrats on the soon to be new addition. I would ask what you have been up to, but I have spent the last 30minutes reading through all your old posts so I feel pretty up to date. Hope all is well and love hearing about your life and cute family.

Team Rogers said...

Looks like you are all doing well. I can't believe how big the boys have gotten. Boy does time fly! We will have to make some time to come see you and 'pitch our tent' in your huge backyard.

Nicole said...

The contests at the fair are a hoot! That looks like so much fun, we entered our boys into the biggest smile contest at the fair on Sat (I'll have to post some pics) I figured that since they inherited their mothers big mouth we might as well see if we couldn't get something out of it... Carter won first place! He was so excited to win a bag of goodies with coupons for a free world famous wisconsin cream puff, a root beer and a ride on the big slide!

Linda Kincaid said...

Hey Amber...flash from the past, but here I am, Linda Godsey...anyways, what a great thing your fair does for the little kids! Your boys look like a lot of fun, mine isn't so involved yet, but I am sure they will be before I know it!

Becky said...

AMBER!!!!I cannot believe I found you and can't believe it took me 3 pages to finally find a picture of you on your own blog! I love technology for this very reason, what an awesome way to keep in touch - this is Becky (used to be Pettingill). Your boys are SO darn cute, congrats on the third one!!

Sandi said...

Hi Amber! I found your blog through Ollie's. Looks like a lot of old friends are finding you recently. It's great to see where life has taken you--it's looks like you guys have so much fun! Very cute kids.

Messimoo said...

Where are you???????