Sunday, August 3, 2008

The boys first fishing trip...

For family home evening we decided to go fishing. Jonathan bought a Lightening McQueen fishing pole at Wal-mart for the boys to share and we were off. Mom was supposed to dig worms with Adam in the garden, but never got the job done so we decided to just buy some on our way to the ponds. Serious Iowa worm shortage. We went to 4 different stores and non of them had worms. We decided to try corn and marshmallows. We fished for awhile but weren't having much luck. Jonathan managed to catch a monarch butterfly and we threw that on the line. Adam caught a 12 in bass! Hooray! However they have to be over 15 inches to keep so we threw it back. The saddest part is I didn't get a picture of the fish. We had hiked back in a ways to the back of the pond and the camera was in the truck. Bad Mommy. Nonetheless we had fun. Adam has a canning jar filled with dirt in the garden he keeps adding worms too whenever he finds them. He's determined to have worms next time. I haven't had the heart to tell him they probably won't make it to our next fishing trip, but he's gathering in the bait until then.


Koreena said...

What great pictures and what wonderful family memories you give your kids. My Matty would love the CARS fishing pole.

Keri said...

That's so sweet. What a fun time!

Team Rogers said...

How fun!! Brings so many memories back when we had only two. Enjoy them while you can.

Anonymous said...

I love it Amber, teach those boys when their young! I am so glad to see your new house. it is So much better then I even imagined it to be, I am so excited for you and those wild little boys! I love ya Ams. Take care!