Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Work in Progress

We love our home here in Bloomfield. Adam regularly asks me, "Mom, didn't I pick the perfect house? Can we stay at this house forever?" Yes it is a bit of heaven, but it is a bit far from family, so we'll give it a couple of years and time shall tell. We have been gradually feeling like we are moved in, but still have a lot of work to do... here are a few pics of what we have been up against...

Can we say cosmetically challenged and a tad bit on the icky side? Making a house a home takes time, but we are getting there bit by bit. When things look a little more finished I'll post my after shots.

All three of my boys love it here - Dad, Adam and Matthew. On our second day here we had a stray cat show up. What a little blessing from heaven. This cat is the nicest thing I have ever seen. The boys LOVE her and spend 2-3 hours a day playing with the cat. Talk about cheap entertainment. I think of all the boys Jonathan loves the cat the most. Personally I rarely touch it. I'm not an animal lover, but I love to see my boys love it. We don't have a name for it, but the kitty works just fine.

When the boys aren't loving the cat they are loving sticks. Any size, any shape, it magically transforms into ANYTHING. We have 4 acres of woods, so sticks are cheap abundant in these parts. Adam and Matthew haul sticks everywhere and create everything. No wonder they never want to leave.

Third to the cat and sticks are frogs. NEVER ending frogs. Toads, tree frogs, old and new we have them. They hang out in the bathtub, are hauled around outside, and are kept in jars. Lately there has been hundreds on baby frogs. They are about the size of the end of your pinky. The are cute, quick, and fragile. There have been a couple they don't make it out of Matthew's grasp alive.

Oh, the birds! How could I forget the birds! We have several bird feeders and flocks of birds. We sit and watch the birds every day. Today at lunch Adam yells out, there's a red-winged blackbird, cardinal, and sparrow eating. He is learning to identify lots of birds and really likes to watch them. We love the goldfinches, hummingbirds, woodpeckers, cardinals, and orioles. There are a lot of birds that we don't see out west, so it is fun to see new species.

We are enjoying life here. It seems to be heaven for little boys.


Koreena said...

What a challenge that house is! I'm glad you guys are enjoying it there, though. Sounds like your boys are in heaven! I love that picture of them with the cat on the porch. So cute.

Keri said...

Your place sounds so nice...outside that is. I wish I were around to help you clean & fix up! I can't wait to see before and after pictures. I'm sure it will look wonderful! Where's your hubby from?

Nicole said...

I'm glad you are loving Bloomfield, it sounds WONDERFUL (except the 5 hours of mowing the lawn - seriously foreign to an AZ girl!) We just got to Wisconsin a few weeks ago and have REALLY been liking the midwest. I don't think we'll stay forever, it's hard to be so far from family, but it's a great experience for now. I can't wait to see your after pics... our last house had lots of floral wallpaper, I guess it was popular once!