Sunday, June 29, 2008

3 strikes... Mom's Way Outnumberd and Loving Thoughts of Father-Son Campouts

And the ultrasound says... time to buy another fishing pole. The spook due October 31st looks a whole lot like his two older brothers... all BOY!


Koreena said...

I've been wondering what you were having. Congratulations on another boy! You've almost got a basketball team there. LOL I bet your kids are excited to get another brother.

Messimoo said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Ah, you'll have a nice peaceful night during Father/Son's!!! I am so glad to see you are doing so well. Your home does seem like a piece of heaven. Can I have your wallpaper?????? I like flowers---lots and lots of them! :)

Nicole said...

I was so excited to see that you had updated your blog. 3 little rugrats!! Congrats, how fun! We are up to have our 3rd in Jan and I'm thinkin it's going to be another boy... I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Anonymous said...

One boy for each of our girls! Perfect! Shall we set dates now or later?! :) I'm just kidding! I am glad you posted some things, I was wondering how you were doing! Don't you love all the work there is to do? Especially when your pregnant? I love the video! Super fast--totally unlike watching t-ball! I thought it was rather funny! You are true Iowans now--you have a John Deere! Wallpaper? I'm not even going to dignify it with a comment! :) I hate taking down wallpaper--steaming, scraping, etc. Washing walls. Oh the joys. You should have picked that house when the boys were older--then you could REALLY put them to work! Don't you be climbing on any ladders now! Take it easy, missy!

Joseph A said...

Amber Q.,
How are you my dear friend? Joe Atkin here. Katie Morely Davis just found our blog and so I found yours through hers. (Aren't these blogging networks crazy?)
It's so good to catch up with your family, which is apparently about to get bigger...CONGRATS! On Jonathan really is lucky to have a wife that lets him fly. That would be an awesome hobby!
I'm going to add you on our blog as one of our blogging buddies if you don't mind. We're at Looking forward to keeping in touch better!

-Joe A.

Joseph A said...

I meant to say, "AND Jonathan is really lucky..." in the last post. I should edit my comments before I post them...oh well. :o)

Team Rogers said...

Congrats on another little man. Are you trying to keep up with the Rogers? Don't worry, we'll let you pass us and we won't even complain.+)