A whoppin' four years old. I can hardly believe he's four and yet I am relishing every new adventure he wants to take and thing that he is learning. I just listed Adam's top ten favorites from food to books, but since our blog isn't secure, I decided that probably isn't the wisest thing to post about a 4 year old child... so a few tidbits about him from mom -
Adam has started to read. I have been really surprised how quickly he has picked up on reading. It seems as if one day he woke up being able to sound out letters and make them into words. I don't think it was anything I taught him... just something he kind of "got" on his own.
Adam loves Matthew's companionship. They are the dearest of buds. They drive each other crazy at times, but always want to be together. I guess so they can always have someone to pick on.
Adam loves to pray but please don't ask him to do it in Primary. He hollers to be the one to get to pray at home, but put him in front of people and you might as well pull his arms off.
Adam has a very inquisitive mind. I think at times he got the mind of his Dad and the more mellow childhood personality of his Mom.
Adam HATES talking on the phone to anyone besides he Dad. Please don't ask to talk to Adam and if you do, plan to keep it short and sweet.
Adam is a BOY. He likes it loud and he likes it rough.
Adam loves to sit by his Dad at the piano and sing Primary songs. He swings his legs back and forth and when the chorus to "Follow the Prophet" comes along he belts it long and loud.
Adam is buddy. I think each of us in the family feel like he is our own special buddy. He is always a great companion.
For Adam's birthday we had a couple friends come to help us celebrate. He started out wanting a yellow triangle cake but at the last minute changed his mind and decided he wanted a giraffe cake. I am no artist and it was little unidentifiable, but after a couple star-tippin' hours we made the requested giraffe eating leaves. We sent the kids on a treasure hunt to find Adam's birthday party (in 32 degree weather) and then had cake and ice cream and presents. Adam's favorite present this year was a box of Mike and Ike candy although the grand gift was a bike. Please let spring come soon!