Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Matthew

Happy Birthday my little Matthew! You are two years old today. It snowed 12 inches last night and today and we spent most of your snowy birthday inside. You helped Mom shovel a little skiff of snow from the driveway and we managed to swing on the swingset in the snow until the snow drifts were so high they covered the swings. You got to open 1 present today... your very own pots and pans. You loved them and played all afternoon with Adam cooking and stirring. Mom is excited the teflon on her pans may stay around for a few more days now. The big birthday party is coming next week when G&G and Aunt Becky are coming to visit. I love you little Matthew. You may be little, but your mind scans the world over. If there is anything to be explored or discovered, jumped from or taken apart (with our without breaking it) you manage it. Happy birthday little buddy! This is one of your favorite friends. You call him "Stinker." He goes everywhere you do. I am not quite sure how he became such a favorite, but we found him in a box of Dad's old stuffed animals and you staked claim. His little shirt says, "Little stinkers need lots of love." Something that means a little more to some than others.
Mom tried black and white while you were playing trains. Happy Birthday!
You and Stinker watching it snow. It snowed all day.
Matthew's very own cookware. Complete with spatulas and spoons.

Daddy outside trying to find the driveway. We didn't go anywhere, but it was good to know it was still there under a foot of snow.


Keri said...

What a special thing to do for your little one. Have fun digging yourself out of the snow, too!

Messimoo said...

Happy Birthday Matthew! I LOVE your foot of snow. I do miss those types of snowstorms!

ollie said...

Hey Amber!!!! Geez... I can't believe all of the people I am finding on here from the good ole days of Ricks. So wonderful to see pictures of you and your beautiful family. Great seein' ya again!