Tuesday, January 1, 2008


(Jonathan's Univ. of I Student Profie Snapshot)

We are proud to announce that after living away from home for 8 months during the 2007 year Jonathan has officially finished all of his off site clinical rotations. He finally unpacked his suitcase and can call home, home. I have learned a lot during the past year of having Jonathan gone and traveling back and forth from clinical sites to home to visit. More than anything I have gained an even greater love and appreciation for him and his sacrifices made in fulfilling his priesthood responsibility to provide for our family. A few things that I have learned:

1. Families are really meant to be together, to work together, to play together, to be still together, to just be together.

2. Jonathan has a magical presence. Without fail his simple entrance into our home changed the entire disposition of everyone here. Life feels lighter when he is home.

3. Having a priesthood holder in the home is a tremendous blessing. There is a literal, tangible power and presence of safety, security, and peace that exists when the priesthood is in our home. It is more real that anything I have ever experienced and something I didn't know existed until it was gone.

4. Little boys and Dads need each other like baking soda needs vinegar... definitely a synergistic combination that is WAY more fun together.

5. I may be able to disassemble, but only Dad's can really fix things... like the furnace or the weed whacker.

6. Minnesota looks a lot like Iowa. If you miss your turn to Spencer, IA before you know it Minnesota welcomes you home. The only problem was that Jonathan was in Spencer, not Minnesota.

7. Packing for two kids to take a road trip to visit their Dad requires much more effort than Dad's packing a toothbrush to come home.

8. The lawn loves Dad's. Mom's mow and call it good enough, Dad's mow, fertilize, water, weed, trim, love and caress.

9. We have a really good bed. Something Jonathan especially can attest to after sleeping on a rectangular rock.

10. I love the man I married.

Welcome home Daddy! We made it!


Ang said...

Congrats. How exciting that he's done! Matt finished too... now he just has the BIG test in February. Thanks for the comment. You are always one of my biggest inspirations. I'll never forget Ricks and Dorm #208. Hey, did you get a newsletter from me? Let me know and I'll send one if not. Love you tons!

Messimoo said...

You amaze me with how you can put words to the things you want to say! That was fun to read as well! Congrats on the homecoming!

Keri said...

Wow, I didn't realize all that your family has endured this past year. So glad that your hubby is now home!