Thursday, July 5, 2007

'07 Family Reunion

Bryson and Matthew and the geese at Whiskeytown Lake

Matthew deciding he has had ENOUGH!

Catching minnows with Pa

Minnows eatn' my toes

Adam headed out to take a dip

Each year we trade off hosting the Olsen Family Reunion. It is shuffled between siblings and Mom and Dad. 2007 was the year of "Robin Hood In Sherwood Forest" at Wendy's house. I love getting together with family. The fun begins around 11:00 PM when most of the little possie has crashed and the wild and crazy adults battle into the wee hours of the night. This year we were hooked on the "Train Game" (Ticket to Ride) and Blokus. Ice cream, popcorn and bags of M&M's later we have managed to squander an entire nights sleep away paving track from Belgium to who knows where. But we sure have fun doing it. This years adventures included swimming in Auntie Wendy's pool, boating on Whiskeytown lake; or at least almost boating as we struggled to keep the boat running and eventually gave up for more swimming in Auntie Wendy's pool, getting all 25 of us up, washed, fed, and beautified arriving 15 minutes early for 9:00 AM church (oh, how proud Dad would have been), matinees, shopping, grilling, eating, eating, eating, picking berries along the Sacramento River because according to Ryan "we are all so dang poor we have to go to the woods to pick berries to eat," volleyball, chatting, and more swimming in the pool.

Memories of 2007 Family Reunion:

1. Having 5 of 7 siblings together sans Ma & Pa as they are serving on the Carry the Kettle Indian Reserve in SA, Canada. Missing Lou and Darren's clan.

2. Having the type of relationship with my siblings that would drag me half way across the U.S. to be with them for 3 days.

3. Enjoying Jonathan. It has been 3 years since he has had a vacation... he was wonderful.

4. Riding atop Jonathan's shoulders to glean wild blackberries to feed all us po' folk.

5. Dallas's stained shirt from packing the berries home, don't worry about handing that one down Wens.

6. Whoopin' up on ticket to ride the very first time I played it.

7. Italian chicken and spuds after church.

8. Stroll along the Sacramento River.

9. Watching Matthew chase geese into Wiskeytown Lake.

10. The huge bullfrog at Wendy's front door which is apparently a nightly visitor.

11. Seeing the Schiel gang after a two year separation... 3 girls having turned into women since last seeing them and the courage written across Cindi's face as she wins her battle with cancer.

12. Papercrafting in Wendy's palace, stinky and lovin' it.

13. Adam learned why cousins are so fun.

14. Jonathan climbing at least 25 feet in the air to dislodge Uncle Ron's super-duper beach ball uh-oh.

15. The rainstorm at 4:00 driving to Chicago to catch our plane.

16. Matthew's hysteria on board the plane to Wendy's house.

17. Family


Messimoo said...

Sounds like you guys had a blast! I 100% understand about you enjoying Jonathan. N and I are planning a trip right now. It's fun to imagine.

Thanks for sharing the fave memories. It's fun to read others memories.

Elizabeth said...

This was really neat to read, Amber. I loved your reminiscing about family. As time goes on, I am more and more grateful for the time I get to spend with my family and the memories that are created. I resonated with this post.