Friday, August 28, 2020

The August of 4 Years Ago

It is hard for me to believe that it has been four years since our initial curiosity over what was causing hand weakness for Jonathan began.  I remember a Walmart run so clearly.  It was near the beginning of the school year (maybe even the night before school started) and we were out and about as a family when we made a quick stop at Walmart for Jonathan to pick up a hand splint.  Weakness in his right hand was beginning to be noticeable and Jonathan had been canvassing surgeons and specialists for possible causes to his weakening hand strength.  A hand surgeon suggested it may simply be his sleeping position and to see if wearing a wrist splint at night would eliminate nerve disruption caused in his sleep.  I sat in the car with the 6 kids while Jonathan ran in.  He brought out a little plastic Walmart bag with a black wrist splint.  He wore it to bed that night.  And the following nights for a couple of weeks.  But it did absolutely nothing to help him restore grip strength.  As the months marched on sterile packaging at work was becoming a bother and opening lids on jars.  I remember so clearly watching Jonathan try to get around in the kitchen.  Twisting the lid off the pickle jar, gripping the butter knife to spread peanut butter, opening a hot bag of microwave popcorn.  Simple, fine motor skills were all being amended.  And some were being delegated to the kids and I.  I just look back on the changes that were beginning.  We had no idea the seeds of growth and learning that were being planted.  Oh, how we were being planted!  I just can’t believe it was four years ago.  What a whirlwind that has passed by.  A new baby was born, a motorhome trip across America, remodeling of the house, retirement from hospital work, diligent service as bishop with a body losing ground each day, DME’s coming in the door at rapid fire, hiring help with the house and with Jonathan, hundreds of hours spoon feeding him, the baby growing into a spitfire, the addition of a ventilator, and so many, many more things. 

In honor of that August 4 years ago...

Jonathan hoppin' hoops for Aaron-

Sink repair-

Planting milkweed, searching for monarch eggs and bringing them inside to hatch-

Jonathan dragging a clan of boys over a hundred miles through the valleys and mountain peaks of the Rogue Valley to earn the hiking merit badge-

A family first adventure to a Piano Guys Concert


Thursday, August 27, 2020

A date

“Neither is the man without the woman, 
neither the woman without the man, in the Lord” 
(1 Cor. 11:11)

And so we create now the relationship we want to continue on the other side of the veil.  Date night was me taking Jonathan to renew his temple recommend. He met with a member of the stake presidency while I sat outside the office door; perched with the suction machine resting on my lap waiting for my call to duty.  Then we sat in the foyer at the church for 20 minutes because Jonathan needed to rest while he digested his dinner we quickly tube fed him before we left the house.  Digesting can be exhausting for him at times.  We chatted about impending hurricanes and hopeful day trips.  Once the need to digest passed we loaded up and headed to DQ to pick up a brownie dough blizzard for me that he would watch me eat.  We drove to the park near the river to eat my treat and chat, but within minutes were feeding mosquitos so we loaded up and came home.  Chatting had to wait until Zach got Jonathan ready for bed.  Each night Zach preps Jonathan for bed and heaves him into place and then quietly leaves.  Each night we pray together and then date night chat begins.  Jonathan tucked in for the night and me trying not to jostle his pillow and irritate his trach.  I frequently nestle next to him upside down.  I wrap my arms around his legs and we chat upside down.  5 nights a week I exit after prayer to sleep with Maggie while Zach covers the night shift.  Weekends I sleep next to Jonathan and wake up throughout the night to suction him.  Thankful for every day with him by my side ❤️