Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's 2014

Goodness so much life has happened in the past 9 months.  Is it #5 that causes the death of the blog?  So many reasons to write things down... it's those same reasons I want to go to bed at night and not linger later on the computer.

Valentine's 2014 was the same as years past, pink milk, pink toilet water, raspberry french toast, and hearts.  Lots and lots of hearts.  So much to love in this blessed life of mine.

The midnight ensemble after prepping breakfast and treats and toilets and mirrors for the hazy eyes of little ones come morning.

Jonathan was post call this Valentines and didn't have to go into work.  That is a first in a long time.  I usually like to plaster his car with some sort of Valentine but this year he found them in our bedroom instead.  We spent the day redeeming $355 worth of pop cans and bottles for a cub scout fundraiser.  We hauled an entire trailer and pick-up load of cans to Medford for redemption in the down pouring rain.  Ahhh... one more reason I love the man.  Nothing says romance like sticky, stinky cans and rain pouring off your nose as you unload bag after bag after bag of other people's garbage.
That my friends is real romance.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Toothpaste on my phone

Maggie finally grew enough hair to use a barrette.  I was so proud of this little darling that I wanted to take a picture and send it to my mom.  LOOK GRANDMA MY FIRST BARRETTE!  When the phone session in the bathroom mirror was finished I smiled in utter delight.  My first photo.  Almost got the angle I wanted.  Put phone down on bathroom counter.  Adjust my hold on Maggie.  Pick up phone.  Take a second shot. 

Even more significant than the perfect shot of Maggie's very first barrette was my incidental perfect shot of my perfect REAL life.  Toothpaste smudges picked up from the bathroom counter on the white face of my phone.  I will forever cherish that picture.  The beginnings of greatness captured in real life.  I love these nuggets I call kids.