Saturday, June 16, 2012

Hungry, Hungry, Hippo - Revised

Okay, so I thought I was a super hilarious mom and in our Hungry, Hungry, Hippo clean-up session I put two marbles in my eyes, squinted to hold them in place and super cheesed the boys.  Wow, I rate right up there with super tricky awesome moms.  Or, so I think.  See Michael has always been our meek, mild little guy that just goes with it.  But he upped me on this one.  A few hours after my eyeball session he came into the kitchen with his new giddy-up on.  A marble in each ear.  I wonder how long he sat in the middle of the living room floor trying his eyes before he figured out they fit just right in his ears?  Ya, he was funnier and more clever than I was.  Some mom have to keep marbles out of their kids mouths, not me.  We've found better holes to put them in.  I laughed and laughed.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Redwood Elementary

I love being the mother of a nerd. Adam received an award for being the top AR reader in second grade for his school with 346 Accelerated Reader Points.  The awesome thing, he was the the 3rd top reader in the school ousting all the 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders with the exception of 2.  The even more awesome thing?  He did all of his reading in 2 trimesters whereas the rest of the grades had 3 trimesters accumulate points.  Second graders aren't allowed to test on books until after their first trimester of school has been completed.  So he did in two trimesters what it took others to do in three and he still ousted all the upper clansmen.  What a crazy reading stud huh?  I was proud of him.  Now if I can just get him to harmonize and conquer the piano he will be the pinnacle of some girls dreams.

Mrs. Davidson awarding Adam his award.

Now besides READing what goes on at Redwood Elementary at the end of the school year??

 we chuck rubber frogs to have a good time...

 bright green rubber frogs at hula hoops.

 We play tick-tack-toe with soaking wet sponges.

 Grove with super cool friends.  Like the other two nerdiest kids in the school.

 Get tripped up in bright orange gunny sacks.

 Play Picasso on the asphalt.

 Blow mondo bubbles with Mom's homemade super bubble recipe and wands.

Get super wet, and play duck, duck, goose.

Then chow down popsicles with our buds and go home.


Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Perfect Gift...

When it comes to gift giving I think I have mastered the art.  Six months ago at Christmastime I was trying to decide what to give Jonathan for Christmas.  I hate "stuff" and we have quite a collection of it so I decided to give him "fun" instead.  The perfect part of my gift giving... I gave him two tickets for "fun" instead of just one.  So, darn it, I had to go along.

And I did, six months later.

It was WELL worth the wait.  With my sister Wendy's help in executing the conniving I got us tickets to the musical Wicked in Sacramento.  She watched the boys overnight and Jonathan and I celebrated Christmas in June.  Might I just say that I absolutely loved the musical.  I was enthralled by it the entire time.  It is amazing how a story I have known my entire life was twisted and turned and became so entertaining. What a walloping fun time.  It was almost as perfect as GGGGGGGG-Linda the good witch ;-)

And how do we make our little stay in Sacramento even better than just a musical?  We throw in a trip to the Sacramento temple and dinner at the firehouse restaurant.  The temple was beautiful.  It was the first time we have visited there.  The entire temple grounds and little "compound" if you will atop the bluff is beautiful.

Dinner was to die for.  I ate many a things I can't pronounce nor can I identify.  But they were really good.  See, aren't I a fabulous gift giver?  I think Jonathan enjoyed his Christmas present almost as much as I did.  If he's lucky we might see a repeat performance next Christmas.