Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Kiss Me Baby!

Happy Valentine's Day!!! I usually try to get up before my children and have their rooms heart attacked and raspberry french toast ready for breakfast, but this year they beat me to it. For some reason shortly after 5:00 am they all started appearing from their bedrooms. This is NOT a typical morning. I think they could sense the love being whipped up from the kitchen and wanted to help do the whippn' this time. We made breakfast together.

After breakfast it was Dad's turn to get in on the fun. The boys and I REALLY got a snicker out of this one. We decided to intrude upon the "Physician's Parking Only" section of the hospital and whip up a little more lovin.' We found some inflatable lips for a $1.00 at the dollar store and wanted to give Dad a great big kiss for Valentine's day. We took the extra set of keys for the truck and moved the truck front and center in the physician's parking lot. We covered it in homemade conversation hearts and left some hot lips for our old Daddy-0. The boys were laughing so hard. They kept saying, "Dad is going to walk out of the hospital and it will look like the truck wants to give him a great big kiss!!" They thought that was hysteric! We thought we were pretty sneaky, but one of the later arriving Doc's questioned Jonathan if his was the truck with all the paint and stuff on it in the parking lot. Jonathan was curious and surveyed the damage from a few stories up at the hospital. He had us figured out before the day was done, but we still thought we were pretty funny.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Matthew - 6

Matthew turned 6 and had his very first birthday party. What an exciting day for a young man. He had to sit through an entire day of kindergarten before he could indulge with friends and family. We decided to have a party that was all about him.

Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Animal: Frog
Favorite Thing to Do: Use Dad's tools
Favorite Food: Mac n' cheese and key lime yogurt

So we PARTIED, Matthew style.

Did you know you can buy a screwdriver at Wal-Mart for 82 cents? What more does a kid want in life than a hunk of wood, a cup of screws and a brand new shiny screwdriver? If you are Matthew, there is nothing. These boys screwed their hearts out. I pre-drilled pilot holes all along their names that I had painted on the wood. A nice home repair shop gave me their scrap wood and cut it down for me, didn't pay a dime for the pine. The screws were leftover drywall screws from the remodel in Bloomfield. Like I said, the perfect recipe for little boy heaven.

Toward the end of the screwing we whipped out a few mini nails and hammers. The only way I can describe it is F-U-N.

Next was pin the frog on Matthew's head. We used an old picture of Matthew with a tree frog on his head from Iowa.

And finally the cake. Matthew saw a green cake with Army men online and really wanted it. I was thrilled because it was an easy one to make. We whipped up a little homemade fondant that DIDN'T use marshmallows because I have never had luck with the marshmallow-y kind and starting cutting leaves. Viola! Green, army man cake in minutes.

Happy Birthday Mr. Amazing Matthew! We love you!