Tuesday, October 18, 2011

We Got Booed

After family home evening we were gathered around for scripture study when we heard a crazy rapping on the door. We all jumped a little at the late night knock but opened the door to find a pumpkin full of fun delivered right from the Boo himself. We rolled in laughter as we tried out all of the trinkets we unloaded. Needless to say bedtime was postponed an extra hour to get all of our fun in, but we laughed and laughed and laughed. It was one of those nights where such an unexpected treat really hit the spot.

The boys had a ball re-Booing tonight. We need to work on our approach just a little, and our hiding techniques, and our remember to take everything to the door the first time so we don't have to run out of the bushes, drop the remainder of the load, and knock a second time technique. We'll get it. We're Boo-ing in training.

We really got Grandma's goat. She was our best eyeball model. If I didn't know better I would think she secretly hides away in her bedroom practicing this unusual talent. Another gift we didn't know Grandma had.


I would like to say that Jonathan and I had an amazing time at the BYU-Oregon game... but I would be lying if I didn't say it was a little crazy. We have this responsibility called parenthood which chugs with it 4 darling little pumpkins. Leaving them for any amount of time longer than an ol' hachoo in a hankie is a bit tricky. Not to mention the dead cell phone battery 1 hour after we left home, and the oil pressure episode coming down the mountain. Oh, and the no parking, stuck in crazy traffic post-game, and only $20.00 cash in the wallet spent it all at the pumpkin patch the night before detail. We made it, they did too, my backside was a bit frosty on the metal bleachers, what is football without a chill? BYU won.


We had a lot of trees in Iowa but they were all oak. Right outside our current front door sits a row of maple trees with the most beautiful fall leaves. This has been such a treat.

Jonathan may look like he is winking, but while capturing the color of the leaves the dog refused to come home, he was awoken from his snooze in the big brown chair, and beckoned by his children to retrieve the runaway pup. His contacts were fuzzy and the need for sleep way too close to the surface. What a dad can't fix, even one eyed.

Monday, October 3, 2011

And remember these? The blessed testing center.

Organic Chemistry Revisited

It is crazy to believe that 10 years ago I was sitting next to my honey in an auditorium of several hundred pre-med yuppies pretending to not just memorize the essential organic compounds, but to actually understand the mechanics of the compounds thus being able to explain any chemical reaction and the outcomes that would occur. Ya, right. I have to be honest, secretly I really wanted to understand the mechanics so you could throw any reaction at me, but the fact of the matter was that I was sporting a flashy new diamond ring, sitting next to the man I was about to call my eternal smooch and his sidekick cousin James (that I am truly endeared to) and dreaming of life as an old maid on BYU campus. Wow, how the last ten years have flown. Now we are crammed in our little rental home here in Oregon trying to wade through boxes of old treasures that we no longer need yet remain attached to. One such box of treasures held our old Organic Chemistry notes and exams. It was a riot to flip through our old notes. Will we ever actually NEED the piles of old papers... nope, but somehow we become sentimentally attached to such silly stacks of paper. I couldn't help but share a few. The notes are nothing but jibberish to me now, but they bring back such fond memories of a decade ago. Maybe if I preserve the memory and a few glimpses I can purge the stacks that go with it. Funny what we wrap our hearts around isn't it?

"Maximum possible number of stereoisomers due to chirality centers is 2n where n=number of chirality centers... Cyclic systems similar (odd - no exceptions)..." Yada, yada, yada....

Honestly, page 1088?